We are the standard repository for all archaeological archives from across the county of Buckinghamshire (not including the Milton Keynes Council unitary authority area).
The new cost for this is £105 +VAT per unit (bulk archive box, small finds box, paper archive box, plan roll).
The new charges are effective immediately, but any units that have already agreed deposition dates for specific sites, or registered an intent to deposit with the Keeper of Archaeology, but are awaiting a confirmed date, will be able to deposit at the old rate, until the end of 2023. If you believe this to apply in your case, please do contact the Keeper to confirm, otherwise you will be charged at the new rate.
The new rate will automatically increase by 5% (subject to annual review), from 1st April each year.
New space for previously unbooked deposits will be available from November 2023.
Any sites that are within the Milton Keynes unitary authority area will now be dealt with by Milton Keynes Museum. If a site has been previously notified to us, you may still use our accession number that was issued, when depositing at Milton Keynes Museum, but any new sites will have accession numbers issued by Milton Keynes Museum, not Discover Bucks Museum.
Discover Bucks will continue to issue accession numbers, and accept archives for all sites not within the MK authority area.