About the prints collection:
The print collection contains many topographical prints from the 18th and 19th centuries which were collected as a record of changing landscapes and buildings in Bucks, especially country houses and churches.
The collection also includes 20th and 21st century prints that were conceived and created as original art works. These include screenprints, lithographs, etchings, line engravings, wood engravings, linocuts and Japanese woodblock prints.
Linked to the print collection, the collection includes a small number of books with illustrations by artists such as Clare Leighton and John Nash.

View from Whiteleaf
View from Whiteleaf Cross by Clare Leighton, wood engraving, 1934 reprinted by Estate from original blocks © the artist’s estate

Window Plants
Window Plants by John Nash, lithograph for School Prints series, 1945 © the artist’s estate