Back In Time: The Anglo-Saxons Of Aylesbury

Who was the Aston-Clinton ‘princess’ and what would her life have been like?


Pupils will become Time Detectives as they explore the clues left behind by the Anglo-Saxons of Bucks! Discover the Lenborough Hoard, excavate genuine Saxon artefacts, try out traditional crafts and unearth the mystery of the Aston-Clinton ‘princess’ with this hands-on workshop.


In this workshop, pupils will:

-learn about how the town of Aegelsburg became Aylesbury and how the Anglo-Saxons changed Britain

-take part in a recreated excavation of a Saxon burial site

-explore the museum gallery, including discovering the Aston-Clinton ‘princess’ and the famous Lenborough Hoard of over 5000 coins

-learn about Anglo-Saxon textiles and try out authentic weaving techniques

-investigate genuine Anglo-Saxon artefacts and explore how these items were used

-learn about Anglo-Saxon fashion by creating a replica saucer brooch

-learn about traditional Anglo-Saxon storytelling by telling the story of Beowulf


Further details:

Key Stage 2 Workshop

Half Day Workshop (90 minutes). Book a second workshop to make a whole day visit.

Price: £7.50 per pupil (minimum charges apply)

Max 45 pupils per session

1 free staff member per every 6 children

Lunch rooms available on request at time of booking (FREE with a whole day visit)




Why not book our Roald Dahl Children’s Gallery Science Adventure for a full day visit.

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