Schools & group bookings

This page has everything you need to know to plan and organise your visit. All school visits and groups of more than 10 people must pre-book. Each of our workshops last 90 minutes. You can join us for a morning session and leave before lunch, or book two workshops and stay a whole day, requesting a lunchroom space for your class.

Each of our workshops last 90 minutes. You can join us for a morning session and leave before lunch, or mix and match two workshops and stay for a whole day. We have a wonderful light and airy lunchroom space for your class FREE, if you book for the whole day.

Book one workshop– £7.50 per child, minimum charge of £217. 

Book two workshops – £11.50 per child, minimum charge of £287.

Download our School and Group Workshops brochure, stuffed full of all the information you need to plan your visit.

Each workshop comes with a FREE teachers pack of resources that can be used at school before or after your visit. 

For further advice on planning a school visit, to book a teacher pre-visit, a small-group or a tailored SEN session, please contact the Learning Manager

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