Discover Bucks Geology

Discover the story of Bucks people and landscapes from 200 Million years ago to today. When you visit look out for our community voices labels written by our Community Advisory Group as you go round.

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Discover Bucks Galleries

Discover 200 million years of Bucks history today.

Start your journey 200 million years ago by meeting one of the largest marine creatures ever to exist called the Pliosaur. You will be greeted by the outline of this huge sea monster stretching across the gallery to a display of its fossil bones found in Aylesbury. Lots of other fossil animals from Bucks prehistoric seas will be on display. As Bucks was under the sea for much of the time that dinosaurs walked the Earth, few dinosaur fossils have been found here, but you will see the claw of one of the largest plant-eating dinosaurs to have lived called a Sauropod.

Geology has shaped the Bucks landscape we see today, including the Chilterns, Thames Valley and Vale of Aylesbury. Discover more about the story of our landscape with our marvellous interactive presentation. The gallery also covers millions of years later when the Ice Age began around 2 million years ago. You will meet the lion and mammoth which roamed this area and explore evidence of other animals that lived here in the cold and warm periods during the Ice Age.

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Explore all the new Discover Bucks Galleries

Five brand new galleries packed full of objects and activities will delight and amaze visitors of all ages. Your journey of discovery starts 200 million years ago in Discover Bucks Geology, where fossils reveal the prehistoric creatures that swam in Jurassic seas and giant Woolly mammoths that lived here during the Ice Age.

In Discover Bucks Archaeology meet the earliest people to arrive in Bucks, discover a spectacular 3000-year-old Bronze Age sword and the largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon coins ever found.

Discover Bucks People features a spectacular costume case displaying a Sikh wedding dress, an extraordinary piano and fascinating objects tell stories about people from different communities.

In Discover Bucks Art enjoy the unique visual story of Bucks through artists past and present, including portraits, landscapes and the magnificent Stowe statues of Saxon gods.

Discover Bucks Wildlife is full of Bucks mammals, butterflies and birds found here in Bucks plus an intriguing Black Poplar Tree waiting to be explored.

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Saturday 17 May, 1.30pm
20 July, 12pm – 3pm
Sunday 4 May, 12pm – 3pm

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