Discover Bucks Galleries
Discover 200 million years of Bucks history today.
Our communities and their life at home, at work, their inventions, celebrations and ways of life can be explored in this gallery. You will be greeted by a stunning Sikh wedding dress and unusual costume displays from our vast textile collections. Marvel at the extraordinary Euphonicon, a musical keyboard instrument with a harp on top, from Claydon House and admire the conserved piece of Chinese wallpaper from Hampden House, representing the county’s great country estates.
Meet the hidden poor from Victorian times in photos taken when they became prisoners and compare them with modern day hero portraits. The objects displayed in this gallery tell personal stories about Bucks people and our communities – the way we once lived, and the way we live now.
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Explore all the new Discover Bucks Galleries
Five brand new galleries packed full of objects and activities will delight and amaze visitors of all ages. Your journey of discovery starts 200 million years ago in Discover Bucks Geology, where fossils reveal the prehistoric creatures that swam in Jurassic seas and giant Woolly mammoths that lived here during the Ice Age.
In Discover Bucks Archaeology meet the earliest people to arrive in Bucks, discover a spectacular 3000-year-old Bronze Age sword and the largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon coins ever found.
Discover Bucks People features a spectacular costume case displaying a Sikh wedding dress, an extraordinary piano and fascinating objects tell stories about people from different communities.
In Discover Bucks Art enjoy the unique visual story of Bucks through artists past and present, including portraits, landscapes and the magnificent Stowe statues of Saxon gods.
Discover Bucks Wildlife is full of Bucks mammals, butterflies and birds found here in Bucks plus an intriguing Black Poplar Tree waiting to be explored.
Contemporary Collecting
Do you have a particular object at home which tells a story about you/your community? We’d love to hear from you, find out more about our Contemporary Collecting project below.